Defendant Responsibilities

A defendant released on a private, commercial bail bond is released to the custody of his or her bondsman. While out of jail on bail, a defendant has responsibilities to the bondsman, the court, and the community. A defendant must:

  • Be of good behavior, avoiding criminal activity or other breaches of the peace.
  • Attend ALL court appearances and in all manners make him or herself amenable to the requests and orders of the court.
  • Notify his or her bondsman of any change of residence and/or mailing address.
  • Promptly pay any premium due the bondsman.
  • Not in any way conceal him or herself from the bondsman.
  • Not leave the jurisdiction of the court without the specific permission of his or her bondsman.
  • Follow any rules, instructions, check-in or call-in schedules required by his or her bondsman.


FAILURE to follow the rules may result in the defendant's immediate arrest by his or her bondsman, and return to the custody of the court.

Jail Websites


T&T Bail Bonds  L.L.C.

Frank & Donna M. Taylor
3205 Dutchtown Road
Homer, Louisiana 71040

(318) 927 - 9214


(318) 927 - 9214


(318) 927 - 2956




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